Terms of service

Cloud Experts has published the privacy policy (“Policy”) to inform you of when and how information is collected, used, disclosed and protected when you use our suite of services or a service (“Service”). By using the Service, accessing our websites, or accessing our mobile applications, you consent to the privacy practices described in this Policy. You acknowledge that this Policy is to be read in conjunction with our Terms of Service available on this website at Cloudexperts.tech/terms and that by accessing and using our websites, our apps, or Service, you agree to be bound by our terms of service in addition to this privacy policy. Cloudexperts reserves the rights to update or change policy terms time to time. The date of the amendment will be published on our website cleared labelled as “Last Published”, It is your responsibility to review our privacy policy time to time.

Azure IoT Services

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), device simulation, remote monitoring, and predictive maintenance are all frequent IoT scenarios that necessitate a scalable and secure cloud platform as well as the right implementation strategy. Microsoft provides Azure IoT solution accelerators, which make necessary application code and Azure services available, enabling for rapid and easy development and deployment. However, integrating this product into your present business context may prove challenging. Enterprises are rapidly constructing solutions that allow them to access and analyse previously untapped data from sensors, devices, and applications utilising Azure IoT solution accelerators.

Azure Migration

Microsoft Azure Cloud has seen massive growth across all industries and geographies - Azure's rapid ascension to the top of the global cloud computing food chain has been powered by a sophisticated array of products, deep AI integrations, superb distribution and support, and cost benefits. Cloud migration and modernization is an ongoing process that incorporates people, procedures, and technology in addition to apps and data. We adopt an all-encompassing strategy to ensure the success of your cloud journey. Once your workload is operating on the Azure cloud, Cloud Experts can provide you with large-scale benefits including efficiency, agility, and scale.

Azure PaaS Consulting Services

Microsoft Azure is a constantly evolving platform that helps businesses increase productivity and expand. This platform allows you to create, develop, and manage applications that are tailored to your specific business requirements. Getting help from reputable Microsoft Azure consultants is highly recommended for getting the most out of the Azure platform. You can effortlessly integrate data and apps in the cloud and on-premises since it is one of the most consistent hybrid cloud platforms. Microsoft Azure's capacity allows you to get the most out of your existing IT investments. Its services include analytics, storage, networking, and a variety of others. Furthermore, Azure provides you with reliable data storage on a massive scale, demonstrating its boundless potential.


Microsoft's Azure DevOps is a continuous delivery platform, orchestrator, and cloud provider that provides an end-to-end DevOps toolchain for software development and deployment. It has the ability to handle a wide range of languages on a variety of platforms, and it may be deployed on any cloud. It offers a wide range of services and interfaces with CI/CD pipelines to aid throughout the whole development process. Azure DevOps is dependable, scalable, and helps you deliver more quickly. Moving to Azure DevOps from an on-premise platform would be an upgrade for your company. Through a variety of products, our Azure DevOps services may help you boost business value. Cloud Experts helps you in getting the best out of Azure DevOps by giving you the best experts in the field.

Cloud Testing

Cloud testing is a technique for testing cloud-based applications using cloud resources. Any element (hardware, software, and infrastructure) required to conduct the tests is referred to as resources. Cloud testing is an end-to-end solution that alters the way testing is done and may help a company achieve competitiveness by lowering testing costs while preserving mission-critical applications. Organizations can reduce provisioning time by using cloud computing services for testing since the cloud allows for on-demand deployment of test servers. This prevents unneeded servers from being idle.

Cloud Support

On a variety of levels, Microsoft Azure provides a game-changing edge for enterprises. The scalability and ability to deploy virtual machines and host Windows servers and web applications (Web Apps) such as Azure SQL server / SQL databases are two of the key reasons Azure cloud and hybrid cloud are so highly lauded. This means Azure will be able to scale with your company and can be updated and upgraded in real-time. Microsoft Azure's cost is set by consumption on a pay-as-you-go basis, which is an extra advantage. In terms of cost reductions, this is a huge gain for businesses because you only have to pay for the resources you utilized that month.

Mobile Apps

In today's world, mobile app development is a necessity for all businesses. As a mobile app development company, we are capable of producing high-quality standard mobile apps in any category. We've worked with a wide range of companies, organizations, startups, and individuals to develop powerful apps based on great ideas. At Cloud Experts, our mobile app development team can create apps for iOS, Android, and cross-platform solutions in Flutter, React Native, and Ionic. We have expertise in developing mobile app development solutions to meet your business requirements as one of the top-rated mobile application development companies in the USA and India.